Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17th January 2018
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17th January 2018

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17th January 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane 7.30pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs C Hall, Mrs M Monnington, Mr A Harland, Mrs U Pearce, Dr F Lewis and Mrs D Pound, Cllr P Montyn, Cllr P Tull, 5 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.

1     Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.    None
2.    Apologies for Absence:  Mr P Bedford
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th November 2017 to be signed as a correct record.  Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that the minutes be signed.  7 agreed with 1 abstention.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.    None.
6.     WSCC Councillor:
Cllr Montyn informed the PC that 2 consultants had responded to the invitation to tender for the A27 improvement scheme.  The tender from Systra has been selected and WSCC will meet with the consultants on 24th January to define the requirements for viable options.  An A27 Community Workshop Meeting will be arranged after WSCC’s meeting with Systra.
Cllr Montyn reminded the PC of the STOMP (Sustainable Tourism on the Manhood Peninsula) meeting on 19th January 2018.  Chichester University has been working on a new Destination Management Plan for the Manhood Peninsula as part of the STOMP project.  STOMP may provide a grant towards construction of the southern section of the Selsey/Chichester Commuter Cycle Route.  Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford will attend the meeting.  Mr Mellodey sees the route through Sidlesham as the most difficult section of the cycle route and a grant from STOMP could help to arrive at a satisfactory solution and avoid too many cyclists on the B2145.
7.     CDC Councillor:
Cllr Tull reported that CDC has its next full council meeting next week.
8.      Memorial Playing Field
8.1    SCA Questionnaire
A draft questionnaire, drawn up by a panel appointed by the SCA, had been circulated to councillors.  Councillors had been asked to send suggestions to the panel.  It was thought that several of the options (banking, pharmacy, post office, library, mobile health clinic) would be mobile units which would operate from the MPF car park.  It was suggested that the questionnaire should clarify that these would not take place within the new building.  A pre-school would need a dedicated section of the building.  It could not be classed as sport or recreation and therefore not possible under the terms of the covenant and should be removed.  It was not thought that the parcel drop-off/collection would be feasible.  The hall will not be permanently manned and will not have adequate security.  A member of the panel present at the meeting felt the questionnaire will create a wish list but that, once the building becomes a reality, the facilities will need to be marketed to members of the public.  Mrs Ranjbar stated that, in her opinion, the questionnaire should make clear that the new building could result in an increase in parishioners’ council tax.  The Chairman of the SCA replied that this would be included.  Councillors were asked to submit any further suggestions as soon as possible and before the next SCA meeting.  Mrs Hall thanked members of the panel for their work.
8.2    MPF Workgroup.
Notes from the last MPF Workgroup meeting on 6th December 2017 had been circulated.  The Workgroup had agreed that Mr N Robson would carry out the feasibility study for the project.  This would be in two sections: firstly the capital cost and secondly income and expenses on running costs.  Mr Robson had agreed to take on the task and all councillors agreed.   In addition, Mr Robson had agreed to manage the PC’s major funding applications for the hall project.  All Councillors agreed.
Mr Mellodey asked the member of the Football Club present to pass on to the FC that the MF Work Group would like to see the FC’s 5 year plan.
The PC was informed that it had received the first £300 instalment of ground rent from the FC.
8.3    Hedge on southern boundary.  The majority of the hedge plants have been planted by the Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group.  There is, however, still a gap in the boundary.  There are plants remaining and it is hoped that these will fill the gap.  The MW&HG, with a team of volunteers, will loosen the ground on 20th January and the Clerk will obtain quotations to plant the trees.
8.4   Letter to HMRC regarding VAT on new building.  The Clerk has written to HMRC requesting clarification on the VAT position for the PC should it use existing foundations.  Mrs Pound had circulated an extract of a government document on VAT.  Mr Robson explained just how complicated VAT can be on a new building and the PC will need to take expert advice.
9.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
9.1   Selsey/Chichester Commuter Cycle route.
STOMP (see item 6) could provide a grant of up to £500,000 towards the southern end of the Selsey Greenway cycle route. The paper written by Chichester University into ways of improving the local economy established that a network of cycle routes is an important element.  The Selsey/Chichester Cycle Route group’s feasibility study must be complete by end of May and should provide details of the route as far as Jury Lane.  The route round Ferry Bend has been rejected by WSCC, therefore it will follow the RSPB route to the Medmerry Reserve with a branch off via Golf Links Lane to Selsey.  Mr Mellodey, Mr Bedford, Church Commissioners and a tenant farmer on Church Commission land held a meeting to discuss the field at Littleton Barn.  The Church Commission owns the land and ditch at Littleton Barn.  It is hoped that the Church Commissioners might release a strip of land bordering the field which could, with the help of funding from Operation Watershed, be cleared.  It could then form part of the cycle route.
9.2   B2145/B2201 junction – possible roundabout.
Mr Bedford was unable to attend the meeting; the item was deferred.
9.2   Grant from Ferry Farm.  STAG has been awarded a grant of £1,000 from Ferry Farm.  This is a contribution towards the cost of a speed sign on the B2145.
9.3   Mrs Pound had reported overgrown cycle paths to the Clerk.  One is cycle path number 56 from the end of Chalk Lane to Littleton Barn.  In addition, the cycle path from Rookery Lane to Church Lane and on to Brimfast Lane is not accessible to a wheelchair user.  The Clerk has reported these to WSCC.  The Clerk has also reported a fallen tree on the footpath at the end of Jury Lane.
9.4    Flooding on Anchor Bend.  The Clerk has reported the flooding at the end of Church Lane.  Southern Water has investigated the sewage pipes and say they are clear.  The Clerk has asked WSCC to investigate the matter urgently. The owner of the field responsible for the flooded ditch does not think the ditch is responsible but says that sewage is leaking from a culvert further up.  He has reported the matter to the Environmental Health.  It smells strongly of sewage, is now flooding across the road and will cause an accident should the temperature fall below freezing.  WSCC Highways is aware of this.
10.     Assets and Amenities Workgroup
10.1  Completion of first half of playground fence.  Mrs Hall reported that the first half of the fence has been completed.  She has had a quotation of £65 for a sign to be erected on the fence acknowledging the funding received from Ferry Farm.  The PC approved the artwork for the sign and the cost.  The SCA has submitted an application to Screwfix for a grant to complete the fence.  The outcome will be known in March.
The annual independent inspection of the playground has been completed and the report highlighted no urgent significant faults.  Mrs Hall had recirculated the A&A Workgroup’s report on sand vs rubber on the sandpit.  It was agreed that the PC will continue with sand.  The rust on handles of the climbing frame/tube slide had been looked at.  A parishioner has kindly offered to sand down the rust and paint with hammerite paint.
10.2   MUGA enclosed arena for tennis or basketball.
Mrs Hall had suggested that the PC explore the possibility of installing a MUGA area between the orchard and the clubhouse.  The area was not thought to be large enough for a tennis court.  It was decided that the PC should await the outcome of the questionnaire before proceeding with a new sports area.
11.    Defibrillator for Sidlesham
The PCC has obtained funding for a defibrillator to be installed at the church.  Mr Mellodey suggested that the Football Club might consider installing a defibrillator on the clubhouse.
12.       Finance
12.1     Income
12.1.1  Sidlesham Football Club (Ground rent) £300
12.1.2  CDC (last of New Homes Bonus grant) £650
12.2    Payments
12.2.1     Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal (Remembrance Sunday wreath + donation) £60
12.2.2    David Heard (repair of playground mound) £50
12.2.3    H B Colling (strim, litter pick, + Highleigh Pound, Bird Pond, Rec Ground south boundary, Beggars Lane)  £1632.00
12.2.4    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £375.41
12.2.5    Landbuild Limited (Operation Watershed work on Keynor Lane) £11,152.80
12.2.6    T MacIntyre (November salary) £504.17
12.2.7    Knight Fencing (replace half of playground fence) £3,230.72
12.2.8    T MacIntyre (expenses including 300 plants for MPF hedge £441.00 and hire of rotovator £78.56) £603.51
12.2.9    T MacIntyre (December salary) £504.16
12.2.10 John Brown Architects (drawings) £780.00
12.2.11 Access-by Design (website domain management) £24.00
Mr Harland proposed that items 12.1.1 to 12.2.11be taken en bloc.  Mr Mellodey seconded the proposal and all councillors agreed.
12.3    Confirm hiring of rotovator for planting of hedge (£65.50).  The PC confirmed the consent for this expense obtained by email.
12.4    The Clerk had circulated a letter from the Royal British Legion regarding their programme to commemorate the end of the First World War.  The PC decided against a ‘Silent Soldier’ at £250.
12.5    The Clerk had circulated a letter from CDC regarding a grant of £250 towards an event and the possible lighting of a beacon to celebrate the end of WW1.  A&A will investigate possible ideas for an event.
13.     Reports.    None
14.     Correspondence.  None
15.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.  None
16.     Matters of Information.   None

Meeting closed at 9.30 pm
