Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 18th July 2018 (Unapproved)
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 18th July 2018 (Unapproved)

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 18th July 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm


Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Hall, Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs U Pearce, Mr A Harland and Dr F Lewis and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1     Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None
2.    Apologies for Absence:  Mr P Bedford, Mr R Ryder, Mrs M Monnington, Cllr P Tull and Cll P Montyn.
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th June 2018 to be signed as a correct record.  Mrs Hall proposed and Mrs Ranjbar seconded that the minutes be signed.  4 agreed with 2 abstentions.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.    None.
6.    CDC Councillor: Cllr P Tull
Cllr Tull was unable to attend the meeting but had sent the following report to the Clerk.
The Planning Officer of the Local Government Association, with particular interest in Permitted Development issues, visited Chichester last week.  The Officer was taken on a tour of the replacement dwellings and it is thought that the LGA is reconsidering the issue.
A workshop on the Local Plan Review on Waste Water Treatment Works, and its capacity for the coming years, indicated a need for significant investment to upgrade the system in the future.
7.     Neighbourhood Plan
The Application has been submitted.  The Consultation Period on the Designated Area will commence on 27th July and will last for 6 weeks.
8.      Memorial Playing Field
8.1    Update
Mr Mellodey, Mr Robson and officers of Sidlesham Football Club had met.  The management structure has changed after the Chairman resigned from the Club.  SFC has appointed a new Secretary and Treasurer and Mr Parker continues as President.  The Club has been given promotion within the FA.  The Clerk has sent SFC an invoice for their outstanding ground rent (£300).
The Parish Council agreed unanimously to take legal advice on the existing Heads of Agreement with a view to drawing up a tenancy agreement.  It is hoped that the Lease drawn up in 2015 could form the basis of a new agreement.
The PC received a cheque for £500 for the use of the ground for the Southern Comfort Bike Rally.
9.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
9.1   Selsey/Chichester Commuter cycle route
A meeting had been held on 17th July 2018.  The Clerk will circulate Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford’s notes from the meeting and explanation of a proposed route.  She was asked to send hard copies to Cllr Tull and Cllr Montyn.  Councillors had had grave reservations with regard to the completion of the southern section of the route which would end at Sidlesham, with cyclists having to continue on the B2145 through the village, the most dangerous part of the route.  In addition, negotiations with the Church Commissioners’ agents on part of the proposed route had proved difficult.  Mr Mellodey and Mr Bedford had put an alternative route to the meeting.  This would improve and accelerate implementation of the Sidlesham section and was approved at the meeting.  It is shorter, mirrors the B2145 more closely and would be more attractive to commuter cyclists.   The project is expected to take 5 years.
9.2       Bus stop north of Lockgate Road
The PC awaits a response from WSCC Highways.
9.3    B2145 and A286 traffic congestion
The Clerk had received a letter from a parishioner regarding increased traffic on the B2145.  It was not thought possible to improve the road, or impose restrictions on traffic without significant investment.
Mr Mellodey had attended the Peninsula Forum Meeting at which a CDC officer had made a presentation on CIL and New Homes Bonus awards.  As a result of which, he had written to the CDC officer.  Sidlesham does not qualify for either award as the parish has no new house building.  However, it is adversely affected by the new building in Selsey resulting in an increased volume and speed of traffic through Sidlesham on the B2145; this is causing grave concern.  Mr Mellodey had asked in his letter if Sidlesham PC could apply for a contribution of CIL money to be used to increase speed awareness by putting up a second speed sign midway through the village in the hope that it is observed and induces motorists to reduce their speed.
10.     Assets and Amenities Workgroup
10.1  Barrier Gate at MPF.
The Clerk will arrange a meeting between Mr Mellodey and a contractor at the gate to obtain a quotation to stabilise the gate.
10.2   Greenwood Nurseries had donated 3 tons of playground sand.  This had been delivered to the playground and has been moved to the sandpit.  The Clerk has arranged for a plaque to be made to be attached to the fence acknowledging the nursery’s donation.
10.3   The Clerk has been informed that the PC has been successful in its application to Ferry Farm Community Fund for £2000 to replace the second half of the playground fence.
10.4   The Clerk was asked if she had received the contribution offered by a parishioner to pay for the finger post on the corner of Ham Road/Highleigh Road.  The Clerk has not but will write to the parishioner.
11.      Finance
11.1     Income
11.1.1    LCR (annual subscription) £17.00
11.1.2    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £258.00
11.1.3    T MacIntyre (June salary) £521.67
Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Hall seconded that items 11.1.1 to 11.1.3 be taken en bloc.  All agreed.
11.2    Confirm approval of £25 donation for Good Citizenship Prize for Sidlesham Primary School.  All agreed.
11.3    Approve expenditure against budget statement
The statement had been circulated and was approved unanimously.

12.     Reports.    None.
13.     Correspondence.
13.1   Letter regarding Sound System for Meetings.
The PC had received an email regarding a sound system which could be installed in the Church Hall.  This should be done with the co-operation of the PCC.  It was not thought necessary for PC meetings but a decision was deferred.
13.2   Mrs Ranjbar is to move house.  Her new house is 3.1 miles from Sidlesham.  The Clerk has written to CDC Electoral Office to ask for confirmation that Mrs Ranjbar can continue as a councillor until the next election, despite being outside the 3 mile radius.  The Clerk has received a letter stating that it is legal for her to remain on the PC.
14.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
14.1   Mrs Hall suggested that she contact the new Headmistress of Sidlesham Primary School when she/he joins in September and ask if the school could help to make children more aware of problems with litter.  This was thought a good idea.

Meeting closed at 9.05 pm
