Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 17th October 2018
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Minutes of Parish Council Meeting on 17th October 2018

Sidlesham Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 17th October 2018 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane at 7.30pm

Present:  Mr M Mellodey (Chairman), Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs C Hall, Mr P Bedford, Mr R Ryder, Mrs M Monnington and Dr F Lewis, Cllr P Tull (CDC) and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.
Members of the council and the public were informed that the evening’s meeting would be recorded.
1     Questions from the public present at the meeting on subjects other than those on the agenda.   None

2.    Apologies for Absence:   Mr A Harland, Mrs U Pearce and Cllr P Montyn WSCC.
3.    Declarations by councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda.   None
4.    Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 19th September 2018 to be signed as a correct record.  Dr Lewis proposed and Mr Bedford seconded that the minutes be signed.  6 agreed with 1 abstention.
5.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
5.1  Mrs Hall asked the Clerk if she had information on the Green Lane path which is blocked.  Mr Bedford informed the PC that, according to the definitive map, it is not a footpath but may once have been a roadway.  The Clerk was asked to write to WSCC to obtain clarification on the status of the route.
6.     CDC Councillor
Cllr Tull reported on the outcome of the Appeal regarding land adjacent to Ham Road.  The decision was upheld and the applicant must remove all caravans, mobile homes and septic tank from the site within one year.
Cllr Tull informed Councillors that the Appeal on the Application for a traveller site on Keynor Lane has been submitted.  The Planning Inspectorate is very busy and the application has not been processed.
Cllr Tull was asked to follow up on the common land fenced off at Hatchers.  Work at the property has been done without respect for the drainage system and has blocked off the ditch at the entrance.  FLOW will look into it and identify problems with the system which may result in flooding issues for Chalder Lane and Street End Lane.
7.     Neighbourhood Plan
The Clerk had written to CDC to ask when the determination period on the proposed area to be covered will be completed.  She had received a reply saying that the officer did not have any specific timings.  The Clerk was asked to write again to CDC.
8.      Memorial Playing Field
8.1    Update
The Clerk has written to the FC asking for answers to the questions requested at the meeting on 12th September 2018 (Minutes had been circulated).  She has not had a response.
The Clerk has written to the Treasurer of the FC listing safety requirements which must be met before the FC holds its Halloween Party.  She has not had a reply.  The Clerk was asked to confirm with CDC that the list is comprehensive for a public function.
The Clerk had received an email from the Secretary of the FC.  Mr Mellodey will arrange a meeting to draft a response.
The FC owes the PC £300 of the £600 agreed with the previous Chairman of the FC.  The Secretary of the FC had stated in his letter that the Chairman had no authority to make such commitments.  As the elected Chairman of the FC, the PC believes he did have authority to make decisions.  Mr Mellodey had received a letter from the Yamaha v Max Motor Club informing him that the £500 cheque given to the PC after the event had been intended to be shared with the FC.  Mr Mellodey had replied that he will credit the FC and will deduct the FC’s £250 from the £300 owed.
Mr Bedford will contact organisations such as Chichester University to find additional users; the PC hopes to improve facilities with the intention of encouraging wider use of the field.  If other organisations wish to use the ground, the changing rooms must be compliant with all health and safety rules.
9.     Highways, footpaths and cycleways.
9.1   Selsey/Chichester Commuter cycle route
The southern section of the route is progressing and it has been agreed that WSCC will make a bid for funding.  The section between Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve and Medmerry is being implemented as part of an agreement between WSCC and the Medmerry Scheme.  It is thought that the RSPB will fund this section with contributions from private land owners.  However, there remains an issue over who will be responsible for maintaining the route.  The WSCC Councillor for Chichester South is backing a cycle track from the Free School to Hunston.  A further track is proposed from south Sidlesham (Bird Pond) to Medmerry. This leaves a section through Sidlesham undecided.
9.2   Bus stop north of Lockgate Road
Cllr P Montyn will follow this up and look for a response from WSCC Highways.
10.     Assets and Amenities Workgroup
10.1   Playground fence.  Knights Fencing has erected the new fence.
11.    Litter
11.1  School Program to raise awareness.
Mrs Hall has been in contact with the new Headmaster of Sidlesham Primary School and he has put her in contact with the leader of the school Eco Team.  She is very interested in any new project that the PC might propose. Mrs Hall will meet her on 18th October 2018 and will suggest that children could be involved in a poster competition.  The winning poster could be made into a sign to be erected.  In addition, the leader of the Eco Team suggested that the school conduct a litter survey on the school grounds. The new bin at the school gate is being monitored to ensure it is being used.
Mrs Hall will report when she has had her meeting with the Eco Team Leader.
12.      Finance
12.1    Income
12.1.1    WSCC (Operation Watershed grant) £2,600.00
12.2     Payments
12.2.1    T MacIntyre (March-September 2018 expenses) £227.90
12.2.2    Mrs C Hall (reimburse cost of new keys for barrier gate) £10.40
12.2.3    Sidlesham PCC (Hire of hall March-Sept 2018) £99.37
12.2.4    T MacIntyre (September salary) £521.66
12.2.5    M H Kennedy (mow Paddock Straight) £258.00
12.2.6    Scanstation (email mailbox annual fee) £43.20
Dr Lewis proposed that items 11.1.1 to 11.2.10 be taken en bloc.  Mrs Monnington seconded the proposal and all agreed.
12.3    Approve quote from H B Collins for grass cutting and litter picking for 2019/20.
Quote accepted by all councillors.
12.4    Approve quote from M Kennedy for grass mowing for 2019/20
Quote accepted by all councillors.
13.     Reports.    None.
14.     Correspondence.  None
15.     Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.
15.1   Mrs Ranjbar reported that there are concerns with regard to ditch clearance near Willow Glen.  She suggested that an article be put in the Spread and Sidlesham Parishioner explaining the project.  FLOW is responsible for the work and the Clerk will write to the MW&HG and ask that they submit an article.  The trees removed were dead or in need of attention and those remaining will grow to fill the space, together with wetland plants which will be planted and will green up the area in the spring.
15.2  Mr Mellodey asked Councillors to contact all organisations and inform them of the next round of Ferry Farm funding.  Applications must be in by 30th November 2018.

Meeting closed at 8.50 pm
