Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 29th July 2017
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Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting 29th July 2017

Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting Wednesday 19th July 2017 in the Church Hall, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham at 7.00 pm
Members of the Council and the public were informed that the meeting will be recorded.

Present:  Mr P Bedford (Chairman), Mrs U Pearce, Mrs C Ranjbar, Mrs C Hall, Mr A Harland, Mrs M Monnington,  2 members of the public, Cllr P Montyn (WSCC) and the Clerk, Mrs T MacIntyre.

1.           Apologies for absence:  Mr M Mellodey, Dr F Lewis and Mrs D Pound
2.      Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 21st June 2017 to be signed as a correct record. Mr Harland proposed and Mrs Ranjbar seconded the proposal.  4 agreed with 2 abstentions.
3.    Declarations by Councillors of personal interests in items on this agenda. None
4.    Matters arising from the above minutes not dealt with in separate items below.
4.1    Agenda Item 6.7: SI/17/01615/ELD - Brambles Nursery, Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7QX.
Mr Bedford reported that the Clerk had received a letter from the applicant’s agent requesting that the PC withdraw its objection.  The PC had not disputed the ELD status which has been proven.  However, the PC maintains its objection to the development of this land and the change of content of the ELD applied for.  There has never been any mention of a residential building or change of use of the associated land.  The Application is now looking for a change of that status with confirmation of the ELD.  Councillors agreed that the PC should uphold its decision that this is not a residential building.  In addition, the PC has concerns that the building is situated on a substantial plot of land and it would be against Sidlesham’s policy to allow the conversion of horticultural to residential land.  It was decided that the Clerk should write to CDC to explain the PC’s position.
5.    Confirmation of Applications Discussed on 21st June 2017
5.1     SI/17/01592/DOM - 5 Shotford Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7RD
Front, side and rear extensions.
The PC had no objection to this Planning Application.  2 agreed with 4 abstentions to confirm this decision.  The PC was informed, however, that the Application has now been withdrawn.
6.    New Planning Application for Discussion
6.1    SI/17/01677/FUL - The Birches Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7NF
Change of use from agriculture to 1 no. dwelling (C3 use Class) and erection of pitched roofs over flat roof parts of building - alternative to Part 3, Class Q prior approval - SI/17/00880/PA3Q.
Although the PC considers the building inappropriate for conversion, it accepted the Prior Approval and raised no objection to the pitched roof.  All agreed.
6.2    SI/17/01697/PLD - Jardine Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Proposed lawful development certificate for change of use from agricultural to storage use, mixed use B1 business and any uses falling within Class R permitted development.
This Application has been withdrawn.  The PC noted that it had requested more information on the use of the building in its response to an earlier application.  This information is still not available with the application.
6.3    SI/17/01417/FUL - Deanhome Nursery Keynor Lane Sidlesham Chichester
Retrospective erection of boundary fence adjacent to highway.
The PC object to this Application.  The fence should either be reduced in height to the legal limit of 1 metre or set back from the road and a hedge planted between the fence and the footpath.  All agreed.
6.4    SI/17/01850/ELD - Fletchers Stables, Fletchers Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester.
Existing Lawful Development - use of land and buildings for B8 storage purposes.
The PC had no objection to this application but sought an undertaking that the land and buildings will remain in B8 storage use.  All agreed.
6.5    SI/17/02039/TCA – 1 New Cottages, Church Farm Lane, Sidlesham, Chichester PO20 7RE
Notification of intention to fell 1 no. (unknown) tree.
The PC would prefer the tree to be trimmed rather than felled.  All agreed.
6.6    SI/17/01861/LBC & SI/17/01860/DOM – The Old Doctors House, Highleigh Road, Sidlesham Proposed partial demolition of residential accommodation and replacement construction of new two and single storey elements, including a new front porch and entrance, two storey living accommodation, a single storey orangery and minor landscaping amendment works.
No objection.  All agreed.
7.    Planning Decisions
7.1    SI/17/01592/DOM - 5 Shotford Selsey Road Sidlesham PO20 7RD
Front, side and rear extensions.   WITHDRAWN
7.2    SI/17/01244/PLD - Barn Cottage Highleigh Road Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7NR
Loft conversion including dormer window.  REFUSE
7.3    SI/17/01258/DOM - Moles Hole 29 Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Two storey side/rear extension, single storey rear extension and front porch extension.  PERMIT
7.4    SI/17/01481/TCA - Mill House  8 Mill Lane Sidlesham PO20 7LU
Notification of intention to crown reduce by 30% on 1 no. Horse Chestnut tree.  NOT TO PREPARE A TREE PRESERVATION ORDER
7.5    SI/17/01697/PLD - Jardine Nursery Chalk Lane Sidlesham Chichester West Sussex PO20 7LW
Proposed lawful development certificate for change of use from agricultural to storage use, mixed use B1 business and any uses falling within Class R permitted development.   WITHDRAWN
8.       Planning Correspondence and other planning matters.
8.1     SI/17/01972/DOM - Barn Cottage, Highleigh Road, Sidlesham, Chichester,PO20 7NR.
Loft conversion including rear dormer.
The PC has no objection to this loft conversion.  However, it is aware that planning conditions were imposed on an earlier planning application in 1997.  The PC asked what those conditions were, whether they are still enforceable and are they complied with in this application.
8.2     Letter to Mr S Carvell , Executive Director of CDC Planning and reply from Mr A Whitty re conversions of agricultural/horticultural buildings.
The Clerk had circulated Mr Whitty’s reply to her letter to Mr Carvell regarding conversions of buildings on LSA properties.  Mr Bedford and the Planning Chairman of Earnley PC will meet in August, agree a joint paper and meet with CDC in September.  It is hoped this will be before the PC September meeting when Mr Bedford will report back.  This will, it is hoped, be included in CDC’s Local Plan and would form part of Sidlesham’s Village Plan.  The PC must respond to the CDC Local Plan consultation before the September meeting.  Mr Bedford will draft a reply to include the change of use issues which will be circulated.
9.           Matters of urgent public importance. Items raised will stand deferred until the next meeting.  9.1     Mrs Hall raised the Enforcement Notice on land adjacent to Ham Road, Sidlesham. The land owner has been given 6 months to comply with the Enforcement Notice.  Mrs Ranjbar requested that any outstanding Enforcement Notices should be listed at the end of the minutes, with expiry dates, in order that the PC can ensure that the direction has been carried out. This was agreed by all.
10.     Matters of Information.  None.
11.     Enforcement Notices:
11.1   Land adjacent to Ham Road, Sidlesham (14th December 2017).
